
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Big Boy Underpants!

Last weekend, we took the plunge into the land of children who wear underwear instead of diapers when they are awake.

Yes, that's right, we spent the weekend focused on Gabriel learning how to use the potty every time he needs to pee or poop. Saturday (the first day) was a little...wet. We went through a few sets of underwear and pants that day, plus we cleaned up several puddles off the floor. Thankfully all puddles were made downstairs on the hard floors instead of upstairs on the carpet.

Sunday was better. Fewer wet clothes, fewer puddles. I think if we had had a third weekend day to stay home and focus on it he would have totally figured it out. As it was, we went to school on Monday with a big stack of extra clothes for Gabriel's cubby.

I was super surprised to find out that he only had one set of wet clothes from school that day. And that was from when they were playing on the playground. It's pretty hard to remember to go potty when you're playing on the playground.

And Tuesday, he came home in the same pants and underwear that he arrived at school in. O_o
I am so proud of him!!!

I know we may have some accidents still, and that it will take a while to get really comfortable in this new landscape, but potty training....check.

Image courtesy of :)
You can get your own Thomas underpants if you so choose: Thomas Little Boys' Underwear
(You're going to need a pretty small bottom, though.)

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