
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

At Bedtime...

<G hanging upside down off the edge of his bed>

Mom, I'm Upside Down Man.
I do upside down things to people. 
And save the world by reaching my arms to pick up trash and put it in the can. 
I'm a super hero. 
But I don't need a cape, because Iron Man doesn't have a cape. 


Mom, you're wasting all your time. You're not going to get any hugs because you spent all your time kissing me. 


G: I hope that in our next house, I don't have my own bed.
Me: Who's going to be in your bed with you? 
G: I'll be in your bed with you guys!
Me: <silently> No, child. No you won't. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Recognize this kid? So handsome! 

Turns out that this little monkey is a bit far-sighted with astigmatism. So, he got some awesome blue spectacles. 

One friend in his class told him he looked like a rock star. :)