
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

6 Year Letter

Dear Gabriel,

Just a couple of days ago, you turned 6 years old. SIX! You are so clearly a kid now…not a toddler, not a preschooler, but a real kid who has so many ideas and so much personality. Watching how much you’ve grown over the last year has been amazing for daddy and me.

I suppose I should actually write about the last two years since I somehow skipped writing your birthday letter last year. So, let’s see…there are definitely some themes that we can trace back to your earliest days.

You’ve developed your headstrong attitude further so that there are times when you are absolutely certain that you are right and that your idea of how things should go is indeed the only way they can go. The world seems to melt for you sometimes.

You’ve always had a tendency toward strong emotions when things aren’t going your way, but I finally recognized some of these melting moments as a need for food. You get hangry!! When you’ve completely lost all ability to reason, it’s almost always hunger or tiredness. Usually. Other times it’s just your need to have things work a certain way.

It seems like you’re always thinking about how things ought to work. You’ve always been very analytical and observant. You tend toward a lot of activities that involve problem-solving and spatial reasoning, like puzzles and LEGO kits. You love games, and we’ve played hours and hours of UNO over the past year. You like video games that involve critical thinking, too. There is a game called Flow where you have to connect several pairs of colored dots without crossing any of the paths. I was impressed with how easily you became really good at that one. You also like games that involve coding skills. It will be interesting to see whether this inclination leads to course and career choices later.

Academically, we’ve seen your reading skills suddenly take off this year. Before you turned 5, you could identify all the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. But we realized sometime in early 2016 that you needed glasses to correct for astigmatism and far-sightedness. After you got your glasses, we saw a difference in your ability to concentrate and make progress with reading. By the time you left preschool, you were reading the beginning BOB books pretty well.

When you began Kindergarten last fall, you entered the Dual Language program. At your school, they use a 90%-10% program which means that 90% of the instruction you receive in the core subjects is in Spanish. Dad and I were excited for you to have this opportunity to learn a second language, but we wondered what the focus on Spanish would do to your progress in reading English. We also wondered whether you would be frustrated by not being able to understand a lot of what your teacher was saying. But you have done SO well this year. We and your teachers are impressed with how much Spanish you are speaking and how well you are reading in both Spanish and English. We are so excited to see how you continue this in first grade next year.

You’re also developing great math skills. You can count way past 100…probably multiple hundreds if you wanted to. You’re reading 4- and 5-digit numbers, and you can figure out addition and subtraction situations involving 2-digit numbers in your head. Recently, you were figuring out proportional reasoning problems also. I don’t think you’re using standard algorithms yet, but I’m more excited about the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills you’re learning.

There are a few things we’re still working on…We try to get out and let you practice riding your bike, but it hasn’t happened as much as I would like. Living on a hill makes it a little hard to just pop right out the door for that. But you’re getting better and better with the training wheels on, and we’ll get to take them off one day. By the end of last summer, you were a lot more comfortable in the pool. You would come out into the middle of the pool with me just holding your hands, and we worked a bit on floating and using arms and legs to stroke and kick. Hopefully time in the pool this summer will get you closer to actual swimming.

You have been getting used to having water on more of your head by floating on your back in the bathtub, and you’ve become much less angry about water in your face during baths. But you still don’t really like it, and even splash days at daycare/camp are not your most favorite thing.

You may have gotten more comfortable with water being up around your head and ears because your second PE tube finally worked its way out. The first one fell out a long time ago, and I was wondering if your doctor would see it at this year’s well-check, but then we found it sitting in your ear a little while back. I am surprised it stayed in that long!

You lost your first tooth last summer, followed a couple months later by a second one. For the first one, we tied one end of some dental floss around your VERY loose tooth and the other end around a Nerf dart. You shot the Nerf gun and sent your tooth flying out of your mouth. I think it was fun for you and took some of the fear out of the situation. For the second one, we used dental floss again, but I just yanked it out. And now, nearly a year later, you’ve got two grown-up teeth almost completely moved in to take the place of those baby teeth.

There are so many signs that you are growing up, but there are other signs that you’re still small. You still love your monkey. He stays in your room 99% of the time now, but you look for him at bedtime. You fall asleep every night with your right index finger in your mouth and your left index finger rubbing monkey’s nose or eye. You also show up in our bed more frequently than daddy and I would like. You squirm and sidle up to us. I end up with your knees in my back and hands in my face. When you sleep in our bed, it’s not good sleep for anyone but you, but there is a part of me that secretly loves it. You are already so independent, and you’ve already cut down on the number of hugs and snuggles I get during the day…eventually you won’t want to curl up with me in the middle of the night, and I will both celebrate and grieve when that time comes.  

You’re in a phase where you prefer daddy anyway. Daddy gets all the hugs, and you’ve created your own routines together that I’m not really part of. It’s really fun to see your relationship deepen, but I wish it was easier for me to get a hug or a kiss these days.

Daddy and I look at each other all the time and say things like, “Remember when he could run under the table without coming close to hitting his head?” or “Remember when he used to say duppa-duppa-day and tummy-tum-town?” or “Remember when we were a little bit worried because he wasn’t talking yet?” Now you talk practically nonstop. Sometimes you’re explaining to us how the world works and arguing your position. Other times you’re singing little songs you make up to narrate what you’re doing. I don’t even think you realize you’re doing it, but it’s fun to hear what’s going on in your head. And sometimes you narrate in Spanish!

We can't wait to see what the next year brings. We're so excited to see all the things you do and all the things you learn. You're our favorite kid, little man.

Mommy (or Mama or Mom, depending on the day)