
Saturday, March 28, 2015


Our neighborhood had an Easter egg hunt today, so went over to the park and found some eggs. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cookie Dough

A young man in our neighborhood knocked on the door tonight with a fundraising brochure. I stepped outside to see what he was offering and to write out a check. 

While I was outside, Gabriel asked Justin what I was doing. He explained that there was someone at the door and I was helping them for a minute. 

When I came back inside, Gabriel asked me about what I was doing. I told him I was buying some cookie dough. 

Gabriel looked at Justin and said, "Cookie dough?! You didn't mention that!"

Monday, March 23, 2015


Yesterday in Sunday school, they were learning the story about when Jesus washed other's feet. Gabriel raised his hand and was called on, at which point he said, "My mommy has really stinky feet." 

Thanks, kid.

It's just that one pair of shoes...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pearly Whites

Gabriel went back to the dentist for a routine cleaning and exam. He was in a bit of a defiant mood on the way there, so I was a little concerned about how he would behave. But he laid back and let the hygienist do a real cleaning with the spinny thing and the spit sucker straw and everything. Plus, healthy report from the dentist. Yay!

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Land Down Under

Gabriel's class has been learning about Australia.

ps-I'm sorry that your kid is not as cute as mine.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I Wish...

I was my birthday so I would be four years old.
(Sorry, not til June.)

I was not a school day.
(Thank Mother Nature and RRISD for that one tomorrow.)

I wish...we had a baby at our house.
(Daddy says no.)

I wish...I had a pillow at school for nap time.
(We can totally do that.)

Sometimes they dream big. And sometimes they just need a pillow to dream on. :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Gabriel has been learning a lot about patterns at school lately. It's fun when he recognizes a pattern in the real-world. :)

Today we stopped by Target after school and got a snack on our way in. We were sitting down eating some popcorn and each had a drink.

Gabriel: Mom, I'm doing a pattern. Watch. Popcorn, drink, popcorn, drink. What's your pattern?
Me: My pattern is popcorn, popcorn, popcorn, popcorn, drink. Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn, popcorn, drink.
G: Your pattern is a silly one.

On our way home, we talked more about patterns.

Me: What if I say meow, quack, meow, quack, meow? What comes next?
G: Quack!
Me: Yep. And what if I do quack, woof, ribbit, quack, woof, ribbit, quack?
G: Woof!
Me: Right!
G: Now I'll do a pattern. What if I say horsey, frog, mooky, coo-coo, la-la?
Me: I don't know those words.
G: Oh, that's just Spanish.

Uh huh.
Then we did one more.

Me: Ok, what if the pattern goes red, red, yellow, red, red, yellow?
G: Red, yellow, red, yellow.
Me: Listen again: red, red, yellow, red, red, yellow.
G: Blue!
Me: Who said blue? I didn't say blue in my pattern.
G: But mom, blue is a color, too.
Me: Yes, blue is a color. You're right.

And our pattern conversation was over.

Reminds Me of Another Goose Egg

This look familiar to anyone else?

Let me take you on a magical mystery tour of October 2012:

First Serious Injury

Kid has all the grace of a gangly newborn giraffe. You're welcome, child. You get that from your mom AND your dad.