
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Five Month Old Letter

Dear Gabriel,
Today you are 5 months old! I can’t believe that you are already 5 months old! It seems like we just brought you home yesterday.

You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Even when your hair is a disaster, there is crusty snot on your nose, and you’re drooling like a faucet. Just beautiful.

This month has been a little bit hard on you (and your parents). You had a stomach virus for a couple of days, and then you caught a cold. The cold turned into RSV and an ear infection, so you have not been a very happy camper. There is so little I can do for you because you’re still just a little baby, so I felt very helpless to comfort you. I can tell when you don’t feel good because that sparkle in your eye is missing and you don’t give me your trademark grin. After starting some antibiotics for your ear, you are returning to the happy baby I am accustomed to.

We brought home a jumperoo from your cousin Will. You love to move around in there. It’s the same one you have at daycare, so it’s familiar and you have a lot of fun. You’re still not a huge fan of tummy time…which means you may never crawl. And while Elizabeth has seen you roll from back to tummy at her house, I have not been witness to this feat. We probably just need to put you on the floor more often and let you figure it out, but it’s so hard to not pick you up and love on you all the time.

We started trying out oatmeal when you turned 4 months old. You’re pretty good at taking the spoon into your mouth, and you seem to like experiencing new flavors pretty well…But you are like our very own Goldilocks about the temperature of your food.  You recently started taking cold bottles from the fridge, but you make an awful face when your solid food isn’t warm enough for you. You started being this particular with oatmeal, and now you do the same with sweet potatoes.

As I rocked you to sleep last night, I looked at your face and tried to understand how this little miracle can even exist. Being a mommy is amazing. Sometimes it’s amazingly tiring and frustrating, but it’s also amazingly rewarding. I can’t believe how much love I have for you. You take up all the room in my heart.

Your mommy

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