
Friday, February 17, 2012

Eight Month Letter

Dear Gabriel,
You are now 8 months old!!!! How the time has flown!

You are such a big boy now. You’re sitting up by yourself with no problem. You can reach pretty far to get a toy and then sit yourself back upright. Sometimes you lean over far enough to flip yourself onto your tummy. Then you can get up on your hands and knees and rock a bit. It won’t be long ‘til your crawling! For now, you get on your tummy, raise up on your hands, and push yourself backward. You managed to scoot yourself from your play area in the living room all they way around the couch to the DVD shelves. Backward.

You’ve figured out that raising your hands up above your head indicates that you want to be picked up. So you do that frequently. But you’re getting better at playing by yourself. You are interested in all the toys that are available to you. You pick them up and bang them around and put them in your mouth. Everything goes in your mouth.

Part of the reason you chew on everything is that you’re getting teeth! You have two teeth on the bottom now. It’s so cute when you smile and show them to me. Though most of them time when I try to get a look, you stick your tongue out to cover them up.

You’re now able to pick up puff snacks and put them in your mouth. Sometimes they land on the floor, but you get most of them in your mouth by yourself. We’ve also started working on using a sippy cup. You seem to understand which part goes in your mouth, but you still haven’t figured out the importance of gravity in getting the liquid into your mouth.

We are unfortunately treating another ear infection. This is the fourth round of antibiotics you’ve been on for your ears. Your doctor is counting this as the second or third infection since they’ve been so close together lately that it’s considered an unresolved occurrence instead of a new occurrence. I would not be surprised if we’re eventually talking about PE tubes. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I don’t know if it’s related to your being sick, but you’ve slept 11 hours straight for the past few nights. I would love, love, love if that was your new normal. It makes for a much happier mama when she gets a good chunk of sleep. Not to mention the fact that you are still not consistent about your daytime naps. You sometimes take a morning nap, but not very often. And you take an afternoon nap about half the time. I don’t know how a child your age is getting by without a consistent afternoon nap. And you are a serious Mr. Cranky when you don’t nap. I wish you would figure out that naps are a very good thing.

At least your night-time sleep is solid. When we put you in your bed, you immediately flip over onto your tummy and settle in. Sometimes you fuss for a minute or so. Sometimes you babble to yourself for a bit. But you are asleep quickly. I always go in and check on you before I go to bed. I stand over your crib and watch you sleeping. I place my hand on your back to feel your breathing. And I marvel at the miracle I’m so blessed to have.

I love you so much,

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