
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Various Updates

At G's 9 month well-check appointment, he was:
weight: 21 pounds 12 ounces (70%)
height: 29 1/4 inches (80%)
head circ: 47 cm (90%)

Topic 1: Mobility
Gabriel is crawling very well now. He can get into anything he wants to. He pulled all the DVDs off Grammaw's shelves. He's pulling up onto his knees really well now, too. And today, while holding onto mama, he managed to stand up. I'm not sure he could have done it without the little bit of help I gave him, but I imagine he'll do that on his own soon.

Topic 2: Family Outings
We took Gabriel to the park last Saturday to help celebrate his cousin Blake's birthday. He loves being outside, so this was a good day for him. He also got to try out the swings!

Topic 3: Ears
This little monkey has been fairly plagued by ear infections. He has been on 5 rounds of antibiotics since November. So, today we met with an ENT to discuss what we should do about it. The doctor could see some fluid in each ear, and a hearing exam confirmed that the fluid is preventing his ear drums from vibrating quite as well as they should. He has some very minor hearing loss from that. That in itself is not too concerning, so we are not pursuing PE tubes immediately. We settled on a moderate approach of checking his ears again in a month to see if his body naturally resolves the fluid in his ears. We're also keeping in mind that we are coming out of cold season, so hopefully his likelihood of ear infection is decreasing. If he still has the fluid in a month or so or if he gets another ear infection in the next two months, we will most likely choose to be more aggressive and have surgery to put in tubes. I just want him to stop getting these back to back to back infections that we can't seem to get rid of. Whatever that takes.

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