
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

3 Year Letter

Dear Gabriel,

My sweet little baby, how on earth did you get to be a small boy? You're so big now. You can do so much for yourself...most of getting dressed (still need help with socks), most of getting undressed (it's hard to take a shirt off), toileting, eating, you can even buckle yourself into your car seat now. So big.

Your imagination has bloomed so much in the past few months. You interact with your toys as though they have personalities. Sometimes they are sad because you've been away from them. Sometimes they are angry because another toy/friend has done something. It's really cool to see you processing your world through play.

You sing your ABCs--well, a few parts are a little mushy--but you've pretty much got it. You can do Bah, Bah, Black Sheep and parts of other songs, too. So cute. You count to 11...and then it's 14, 18, 19, 18, 19. :) You recently moved up to the big kids' classroom at preschool; you've graduated from Doodlebug to Firefly! I can't wait to see what else you learn.

Every morning you put on your two flower bracelets, your American flag sunglasses, and your Superman ball cap as essential parts of your ensemble. Recently you picked out blue nail polish at the store and had me paint your fingernails. You just mentioned tonight that it's time to repaint. Your personality is definitely developing. And it's as strong as ever.

We've made friends with kids next door, so we get to spend lots of time out playing in the cul de sac. That has been one of the best things about moving to this neighborhood. You like to ride on the firetruck ride-on toy and Ruby's tricycle. You're starting to try out your balance bike. We spend a lot of time kicking and throwing and chasing balls.

You're getting so grown up, and yet you still want mommy when you're upset. You keep your little monkey with you for comfort, and you still suck on that index finger. Someday you'll grow out of those comforts, but I sure hope you hang on to me for as long as possible.

Two and a half to three has been a lot of fun, sweet boy. I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

I love you so much,

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