
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Math Practice

Gabriel and I set out for IKEA this afternoon in jackets, scarves, hats, and gloves. He was wearing a new pair of gloves that had come in a set of two. On our way to the store, he asked me how many pairs we bought. I told him there were two pairs and then asked him how many gloves are in two pairs.

K: How many gloves are in two pairs of gloves?
G: Four!
K: Good job! How did you figure that out?
G: I just thought it in my head.
K: Ok. What if we had three pairs of gloves? How many gloves would that be?
G: Five!
K: Is that right?
G: Yeah. If one of the gloves fell away.
K: So one of the gloves fell away?
G: Yeah. There were 6, and then one fell away so there were 5.

That's pretty smart, kid.

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